Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy

Revolutionize your podcast guesting strategy and unleash your million dollar message.

So you can ethically grow your business, maximize your reach, and increase your influence, impact, and income!


The Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy is the groundbreaking, online course that’s revolutionizing organic marketing for conscious entrepreneurs.

YOU have a vision to scale your business, achieve the financial success you desire, shape your dream lifestyle, and have a meaningful impact on the world.

WE provide the proven, aligned strategies, guidance, and engaged community to turn your aspirations into reality—faster and with more ease than you ever thought possible.


JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF POWERHOUSE ENTREPRENEURS TODAY for practical strategies, expert guidance, and proven techniques to make podcast guesting a profitable and powerful marketing tool in your business.


Wouldn't it be amazing if you could effortlessly attract your ideal clients, generate consistent revenue, and establish yourself as a respected authority in your industry?

You wake up to see that people are just buying your stuff.

You get emails saying you have another customer happily paying your new price.

And your calendar is booked out with leads. 

Your value and expertise are recognized, and clients are eager to invest in your premium services, without hesitation.

Your business is growing in a way that feels joyful, aligned, and easy. YAY!

But that’s not what happens for most of us, is it?

In between struggling with ineffective marketing, unpredictable client acquisition, and a dynamic digital landscape, running a business can really drain your time, energy, and finances. 

You feel frustrated and exhausted, constantly trying different strategies that yield disappointing results. (How are you supposed to be unattached to the outcome when NOTHING WORKS or feels right?)

You experience the crazy-making stress of the income rollercoaster, wondering if your business will ever reach its full potential like the influencers you follow.

You find yourself overwhelmed by all of the options for marketing, most of which revolve around living on social media, which is…the opposite of why you got into business. 

You long for a simpler, more effective way to attract clients and grow your business without sacrificing your values, time, or a part of your soul.

I want to share with you a secret…

I’ve made multiple 6-figures in my own business and helped my clients generate over $1 million using my podcast guesting strategies.


If you've been struggling to attract clients, increase your revenue, or gain visibility in your industry... 

…. You’re not alone. 

As much as it’s conditioned into us, working harder is never the answer. It's time to shift your approach and discover a smarter, more efficient way to grow your impact-driven business.

You might be feeling exhausted, burnt out, and frustrated by the lack of progress in your business. 

Maybe you're constantly chasing after new clients, struggling to make ends meet, and wondering if it's all worth it. 

You might be overwhelmed by the constant hustle, juggling multiple tasks, and still not seeing the results you want…

And that's when most people find me and my work. 

The good news is, there is a better way to attract dream high-ticket clients and create the success you desire!

Podcast guesting–done right—has the power to transform your business (and your life!). 

It allows you to tap into the massive reach of podcasts, connect with your ideal audience, and position yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

But the problem is, most entrepreneurs don’t know how to make it happen. I've spoken with countless entrepreneurs who have made 5, 10, 20, 50 or even 100 podcast guest appearances, but have seen little to no results.

That's why I've created the Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy!

Hi, I’m Christine Amerman!

I know what it feels like to feel like a best-kept secret, overlooked by your ideal audience.

Which is why I'm so excited to share my podcast guesting secrets with you, so you can so you can skyrocket your visibility, captivate audiences worldwide, and unlock unprecedented opportunities for business growth and success!

I can help you go from best-kept-secret to go-to expert in your niche!

I've helped hundreds of people like you to explode their visibility and their business!

Together, we can make a massive impact on the world through sharing your mission and message with an audience who needs your work!

The Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy is a comprehensive online course, designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and proven techniques to master the art of podcast guesting and achieve remarkable results. 

From finding the right podcasts and crafting compelling pitches to delivering impactful interviews and monetizing your guest appearances, we cover every aspect of podcast guesting to ensure your success.

It's time to stop wasting your valuable time and resources on misaligned (and therefore ineffective), shiny-object marketing strategies and start leveraging the power of podcast guesting to transform your business.

Join the Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy today. Upgrade your podcast guesting strategy, make money and change the world!
What happens when you harness the power of podcast guesting to skyrocket your visibility, establish yourself as an authority, and attract a flood of ideal clients to your business?

Your visibility soars as you reach thousands of your ideal audience, positioning yourself as an authority in your field. 

The impact is tangible as you receive wave after wave of new clients who resonate with your message and are ready to invest in your offerings. 

Podcast guesting becomes a game-changer, propelling your business to new heights and opening doors to opportunities you never thought possible. 

It's a transformative experience that allows you to make a lasting impact and create the thriving, profitable business you've always dreamed of.

Ready to create predictable, sustainable income in your business through powerful podcast conversations?


The Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy is a comprehensive online course that teaches the transformative power of podcast guesting to entrepreneurs who want to up-level their impact, income, and life!

Whether you’re just starting out or you have an established 6 or 7 figure business, the Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy is designed to take your podcast guesting strategy to the next level and unlock new levels of success and growth.

You’ll gain the knowledge, skills, and strategies to confidently navigate the world of podcast guesting, attract your ideal audience, position yourself as an authority, and consistently generate high-value opportunities that can skyrocket your business.

It's a step-by-step, proven system to master the art + science of podcast guesting, attract your ideal audience, position yourself as an authority in your industry, and consistently generate high-value leads and clients.

Join the Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy today!


Here’s what you get when you join the Podcast Guesting For Profit Academy: 

  • 8 online training modules with dozens of lessons you can use immediately
    • Lifetime access to highly-practical and motivating videos to walk you through the PRECISE strategies you need to become a podcast guesting expert and harness its profit-generating potential.
  • Podcast Guesting Success Workbook
    • Packed with practical exercises and actionable steps, designed to enhance your learning and empower you to implement the podcast guesting strategies effectively for optimal success.

What kind of results do members achieve?

  • Ongoing access so you can learn at your own pace and revisit the course as you book more podcast appearances and as your business grows. 
  • Mobile and tablet friendly so you can learn from anywhere.
  • Convenient course access via the Kajabi mobile app.

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